Yesterday I called the name of the wind, and on none other than Ambrose Jackis!
He deserved it too, the slimy rat. He stole and subsequently shattered my lute, my one and only possession in this world, the only thing I own worth any money, and one of my only true friends right now. I got so angry that I just shouted the first thing that came to my head and the next thing I knew Ambrose was on the ground and leaves were blowing everywhere. Then I passed out and when I came to Elodin was whispering something in my ear.
I'm being brought to the horns soon over malfeasance. I'm not sure what will happen. To be completely truthful it was an accident, although I don't regret it a bit. The only thing that has stopped Ambrose and I from killing each other thus far has been possible expulsion. Honestly I don't think I'll be expelled, because I have Elodin, Elxa Dal, the Chancellor and Kilvin on my side, and the only headmasters who really want to see me gone are Hemme and Brandeur, and maybe Lorren but he's impossible to read sometimes. Hopefully I can get them to make Ambrose pay for a new lute though, I feel naked without it.
I now know the name of the wind, and thus I have mastery over it. I'm like the next Taborlin the Great |
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